If you are considering linking up your laptop, or desktop to your TV don't make the same mistake I made. I hooked up via the VGA connection with a cable and switched over to the VGA via the AV/TV button on the remote to get "No Signal" I of course thought "Damn, a fault with the telly" and went into panic mode.
After a lot of wasted time rechecking every cable and connection I "Googled" the problem and soon discovered the problem is quite common. I did not have Extend Desktop/Clone Desktop enabled on the laptop. (depending on your system it will be in Display settings in the Advanced section for XP and Personalise in Vista, both assessable by right clicking on your desktop)
So if this happens to you check your settings first guys...
did you manage to get the laptop to output full 1920x1080 resolution ? I've been playing around and 1680x1050 works fine but going up to 1920x1080 gives some black bars on the sides.
I will hook it up and have another look but I do remember having to fiddle with it...stay tuned
It's even easier (as it always is ;-) ) with a Mac laptop!
I take me hat off to you( actually I'm not wearing one but good on you and thanks for posting mate...I appreciate your contribution!
Mate if you can tell us more...how was the whole process with your TV?
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